Deviated Nose and Treatment Challenges

Crooked Nose or Twisted Nose 

Deviated nose or twisted nose aesthetics are perhaps the most difficult of nasal aesthetic surgeries. Although there are traumatic causes generally at the bottom; genetic factors, the presence of facial asymmetry is also influential in the emergence of curved nose. Generally speaking, there are asymmetrically oriented to the opposite directions in the nasal cartilage and nasal cartilages. Sometimes the curvature of the nose can be deformed in one direction, sometimes in two different directions (S-shaped curved nose, S-shaped crooked nose).

Words that can be used synonymously with crooked, which can be used as a prefix to mean the twist or twist of the nose, which is a trauma-related or developmental problem:
  • bent
  • curved
  • recurved
  • twisted
  • contorted
  • warped
  • angled
  • bowed
  • hooked
  • misshapen
  • deformed
  • malformed
  • out of shape
  • distorted
  • contorted
  • wry
  • gnarled
  • disfigured
  • hunched
  • humped
  • bowed
  • curved
  • thrawn
In general, the term "deviated nose" is used when the long axis of the nasal axis is tilted to one side from top to bottom. If the nose axis is curved to the right or to the left, the expression "crooked nose" is used.

C shaped nose,Twisted nose,Scoliotic nose,Deviated nose,Nose job for deviated nose,S-shaped crooked nose,Rhinoplasty in Istanbul,S-shaped curved nose,Treatment of deviated nose,
The photograph above shows the pre-operative and post-operative photograph of the patient, who had had a nasal trauma in childhood and subsequently developed a crooked nose deformity in the nose over time.  We performed open technique septorhinoplasty for the patient.  After the surgery, it is seen that the light reflection is completely in the midline, I hope it stays like this when the healing is completed.  In this way, when aesthetic operation is performed on noses with asymmetrical features, the healing properties of cartilage and bone memory may affect the result.  Some of the asymmetrical reflections before the operation may occur partially after the operation.

Childhood nasal trauma can lead to curved nasal deformities!

In children, asymmetrical bruises at the growth points of the nasal cartilage or in the nasal bone can cause a progressive asymmetric appearance during nasal development. The amount of cartilage in children's nose is greater than in adults, and childhood nasal trauma can cause nasal deformities in a progressive type. With the completion of the nasal development, the increase of the asymmetry in the nose stops.
Also, when the baby is born during the birth of the rhetoric or forceps with pressure applied to the structure of the nasal cartilage is distorted and can cause such deformities.

Do not rely on animation for crooked nose surgeries!  

After the rhinoplasty operations performed for the correction of crooked noses, the result after the healing is completed may be different from the results of the study performed with animations.  It is not always possible to correct different asymmetric areas in bones and cartilages with a single operation in patients with a deformity of the curve.  A symmetrical nose made in a few minutes with animation work can be your dream.  Many experienced surgeons inform their patients before the operation that it is very difficult to achieve a fully symmetrical result with a single operation in patients with crooked nasal deformities.

Nasal aesthetic surgeries can also cause deviated nose deformities!

During the nasal aesthetic surgeries aimed at minimizing the shape of the nose, planned breaking operations (osteotomy) are performed on the nasal bones. After the fracture of the nasal bones, the nasal bone lamellas may shift in the wrong direction during the development of the healing tissues and nasal pyramid deformations may occur. As a complication of nasal aesthetic surgery, "curved nose" or "c-shaped nose" can thus appear.

Related Videos

You can watch a few videos about the crooked nose below:

Micromotor Assisted Crooked Nose Job For Male

In the video above, images of a patient with severe asymmetry in both the nose and facial bones are seen during and after the rhinoplasty operation.  If we divide the skull into 2 vertically in this way, one side remains longer and one side shorter than the nasal walls, due to the fact that one side is long and the other side is short.  In patients with severe asymmetry in the skull, it is impossible to achieve a fully symmetrical appearance with rhinoplasty alone.  Although a very symmetrical nose was obtained after the operation in the patient seen in this video; no guarantee can be given prior to the operation to obtain a complete symmetry.

Rhinoplasty Operation For Crooked Nose

The patient seen in the video above underwent an open technique rhinoplasty operation due to asymmetrical areas on the nose.  We succeeded in obtaining a very asymmetrical appearance in the nose by performing a series of graft applications and bone cutting procedures, which included limited tissue trauma, for the patient who had different asymmetric areas on the nasal bone and nasal tip due to childhood trauma.  even if a fully symmetrical nose is obtained in the images given immediately after the operation;  after healing, partially asymmetrical areas may occur.  Rhinoplasty is a living tissue change. Simple digital animation programs and rhinoplasty do not always give the same results.

Ethnic Asian Revision Rhinoplasty - Dislocated and Crooked Rib Cartilage

 The patient seen in the video above underwent an open technique rhinoplasty operation due to asymmetrical areas on the nose.  We succeeded in obtaining a very asymmetrical appearance in the nose by performing a series of graft applications and bone cutting procedures, which included limited tissue trauma, for the patient who had different asymmetric areas on the nasal bone and nasal tip due to childhood trauma.  even if a fully symmetrical nose is obtained in the images given immediately after the operation;  after healing, partially asymmetrical areas may occur.  Rhinoplasty is a living tissue change.  Simple digital animation programs and rhinoplasty do not always give the same results. In the video above, there is a nose image of a patient of Asian origin who had previously undergone rhinoplasty.  During ethnic, Asian, thick-skinned rhinoplasty operations, rib cartilage can be used for augmentation of the nasal dorsum.  By raising the ridge of the nose with a cartilage graft in this way, it is aimed to make the nose look thinner when viewed from the front.  However, as in the video above, in patients using fresh rib cartilage, the rib cartilages can be bent and curved spontaneously after the operation.  Oblique cutting techniques have been defined in order to prevent this spontaneous bending or twisting in noses using fresh rib cartilage.  In the video, it can be seen that the dorsal rib graft is dislocated to the right and to the left when we push the rib cartilage of the patient's nasal dorsum to both sides.  In the photo taken from the top of the patient, it can be seen that the light reflection on the nose changes in the form of c depending on the stretching of the rib cartilage.  In this patient, the rib cartilage on the back of the nose was reshaped with the help of the micro motor system using the open technique, the curved areas were re-corrected with the micro-drilling system, and cartilage grafts were added to the tip of the nose.  It can be seen that the patient's right nostril is smaller than the left one before the operation.  During the operation, alar base resection was performed in the left nostril and marginal grafts were added to the right nasal wing.  In this way, the nostrils were obtained very close to each other.  At the first week follow-up, the patient was also offered a nose-shaping nostril retainer apparatus.

Revision Crooked Nose Aesthetic 

In the video above, you can see before and after the revision crooked nose rhinoplasty operation. This patient had previously undergone rhinoplasty in another clinic, and then crooked nose deformity appeared. We performed a micromotor assisted revision rhinoplasty operation for the patient. You can watch before and immediately after the operation in the video above.

Deviated nose  treatment (deviated nose aesthetics)

In deviated nose operations, it may be necessary to apply different applications to more than one region. In curved nose treatment, the shape and location of the first planar deformities should be defined and appropriate procedures should be planned.

Why Does Crooked or Twisted Nose Appear?  

The emergence of this nasal deformity is usually associated with childhood traumas.  Normally, there are growth points inside the nasal septum that allow the nose to grow. An asymmetrical enlargement of the nasal septum may occur after trauma to these growth points asymmetrically.  A c-shaped reflection, Crooked or Twisted Nose Deformity may occur when viewed from the front as a result of the nasal septum changing the shape of the nose in general and the nose growing asymmetrically in this way.  In the same way, this image may appear in the nose as a result of trauma to the nasal bone and other cartilage tissues.  Almost all patients with Crooked or Twisted Nose Deformity have a history of severe nasal trauma that occurred in childhood before nasal development was completed. Some patients may not remember trauma immediately after birth.  

How To Fix Crooked or Twisted Nose?  

In this way, it is quite possible to obtain a completely symmetrical result with a single operation in patients with severe asymmetry in both the bone and supratip cartilages in the nose and the cartilages of the nasal tip region.  In general, the rate of need for revision rhinoplasty is higher in patients with crooked nose deformity than in other simple rhinoplasty.  Open technique rhinoplasty operations are more preferred in the treatment of crooked or twisted nose.  During these operations, bilateral planned bone incision, that is, osteotomies, can be made, unilateral spreader graft application and various cartilage graft applications to the nose wings, again at the tip of the nose, may be required. Most patients also have severe nasal congestion and severe stenosis in the nasal region.  Different techniques may be required to correct the nasal septum inside the nose.  In some patients, cartilage grafts obtained from the nasal septum may not be sufficient for the reconstruction of the entire nose, and even with primary nose surgery;  graft need may arise, such as rib grafting.  

Can a Crooked or Twisted Nose Deformity Be Completely Corrected with a Single Surgery?  

It is not easy to answer this question scientifically, however;  In patients with crooked nose deformity, it is not possible to obtain a complete millimetric result after surgery. Although most of the patients are generally satisfied, patients with scientific expectations should be operated on and the patients should be informed before the operation that all asymmetric reflections in the nose cannot be removed with a single operation. A much more symmetrical and much more functional nose can be obtained. However, the patient is generally informed that more than one operation may be required if the patient wants to achieve a fully symmetrical result as an expectation.  In some clinics, the "health insurance covered rhinoplasty" protocol, which is covered by health insurance, is applied.  In this protocol, health insurances take 7 to 10 times more surgery payments from patients and cover revision rhinoplasty surgery fees that may be required later.  In this way, a very expensive surgical process is started.  I do not offer such a protocol to my patients and I especially refuse to operate on patients who want full symmetry guarantee.  

Crooked or Twisted Nose Aesthetic Cost in Istanbul  

The cost of crooked nose rhinoplasty in Istanbul varies between 3500 and 4500 us dollars for hospitals.  this fee is the classical rhinoplasty operation fee, however, the price of the procedure fee may increase in operations that take longer than normal and in patients who require additional rib or ear cartilage grafts.  Crooked nose aesthetics is an operation that requires surgical experience, knowledge and concentration.  I usually prefer to do only 1 crooked nose operation per day.

Before and After Crooked Nose Surgery Photos

Below you can find pictures of a few patients before and after the operation. For more images and videos, click the link below.
Link group where you can find detailed information about crooked nose aesthetics and treatment on this website >>

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Twisted nose - Crooked nose surgery - Scoliotic nose - Crooked nose - Treatment of twisted nose  - Treatment of crooked nose - Challenges in treatment of deviated nose - Crooked nose aesthetic surgery in Istanbul - Twisted nose treatment in Istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Istanbul - Nose job in Istanbul

Deviated Nose and Treatment

Deviated Nose and Treatment

Deviated Nose and Treatment

Deviated Nose and Treatment

Deviated Nose and Treatment

Deviated Nose and Treatment Challenges (Turkish Video)

Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon - ENT Doctor in Istanbul

Private Office:
Address: İncirli Cad. No:41, Kat:4 (Dilek Patisserie Building), Postal code: 34147, Bakırköy - İstanbul
Appointment Phone: +90 212 561 00 52
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