Mastoidectomy Operation Video

Mastoidectomy: Removal of Diseased or Infected Mastoid Air Cells Operation

General treatment principles in patients with chronic otitis media, inflammation therapy and protection of the hearing. It is important that people with this disease protect their ears from water contact. Topical drop therapy and oral antibiotic treatment are used for inflammation treatment. In surgical treatment, mastoidectomy operations are performed in patients who have eardrum problems (myringoplasty and tympanoplasty) for the hole in the eardrum and inflammation islets trapped in the middle ear or cholesteatoma.

Terms of Mastoidectomy Operation

Cortical mastoidectomy or simple mastoidectomy (also known as the Schwartze procedure) removes mastoid air cells without the middle ear being affected. This is usually done for inflammation of the mastoid bone. It is a surgical procedure to remove inflammatory bone tissue with an incision made behind the ear when medical treatment is not effective. Due to the widespread use of these ameliorative antibiotics, there is rarely a single need nowadays.

Modified radial mastoidectomy surgery is designed to remove only the inflamed mastoid bone site and the external auditory canal wall if the cholesteatoma has not spread to the middle ear, medial to the head of the malleus or the incus of the incus. Canal wall down mastoidectomy can be used in the same sense as mastoidectomy. This procedure is usually performed in the ear, which is the only hearing and cholesteatoma. Since it is intended to protect all or part of the structures in the middle ear; a surgical procedure in which the hearing is protected.

In radical mastoidectomy surgery, all of the middle ear structures and the external auditory canal are removed, and the mastoid bone and middle ear are turned into a single cavity. That is, while hearing is not protected during radical mastoidectomy surgery; Modified radical mastoidectomy attempts to protect the hearing structures. That is, this procedure is a simple mastoidectomy and radical mastoidectomy when considering the size of the procedure.

As with simple mastoidectomy and radical mastoidectomy, the skin is removed with retroauricular incision made behind the ear. Mastoid bone area with tour and microscope area.

How long is recovery after mastoidectomy?

Recovery time is shorter after simple mastoidectomy operations. Usually within a few weeks after the operation, most of the epithelization is complete. However, full recovery may take up to 6 months after radical mastoidectomy operations.

What is the side effect of mastoidectomy?

Complications such as facial nerve damage, cerebral cortex injury, and permanent inner ear damage may occur during the mastoidectomy operation. Generally, this operation is performed in order to clean the areas of chronic inflammation, such as cholesteatoma, that destroy the surrounding tissues. Sometimes during the operation, since the bone structures are already damaged by themselves, facial nerve damage can easily occur.

Can you eat after mastoidectomy?

Jaw and ear pain may occur after mastoidectomy operation. In patients, these pains usually decrease after one or two weeks. These pains can be expected after more radical mastoidectomy operations. Some patients may also experience nausea and dizziness.

What to avoid after mastoidectomy?

After mastoidectomy operations, activities that may cause pressure changes in the middle ear, such as sneezing or blowing the nose, deep water diving, and airplane travel should be avoided. Again, exercises performed by bending the floor and exercises that require sudden head movements should be avoided for a few weeks.

Is shaving behind the ear necessary?

Mastoidectomy operation is performed with a retroauricular incision (or postauricular incision) made behind the ear. For this reason, shaving the hairy area behind the auricle is beneficial to prevent post-operative infections.

How do you sleep after mastoidectomy?

After the mastoidectomy operation, it is appropriate to lie on the back or on the unoperated ear during sleep. If the blood leakage from the ear has decreased one week after the operation, a hospitalization on the operated ear may be recommended in order to prevent prominent ear deformity.

Can I fly after mastoidectomy?

Air travel should be avoided for 3-4 weeks after the mastoidectomy operation.

How long is the hospital stay for mastoidectomy?

After the mastoidectomy operation, it is usually sufficient to stay in the hospital on the day of the operation, that is, one night. In general, the printed bandage on the ear remains during the night. After the patient's bandage is renewed, discharge procedures can be started.

Does prominent ear occur after mastoidectomy operation?

During the mastoidectomy operation, a retroaricular incision is made. After the procedure is completed, the angle between the auricle and the skull can be re-normalized with various suture and skin flap techniques. In addition, pressure ear wraps can be applied to prevent both hematoma and iatrogenic prominent ear deformity.

Cost of mastoidectomy operation in Istanbul

The total cost of the mastoidectomy surgery (one day of hospitalization, blood tests, the total cost of all materials and instruments related to the surgery) varies between 3000 - 4000 US Dollars, depending on the hospitals.

The total cost of the mastoidectomy operation varies between 3000-4000 US Dollars according to the hospitals and the size of the operation.

Who performs mastoidectomy surgery?

The mastoidectomy is performed by otolaryngologists who have experience and knowledge in ear surgeries.

How is bone shaping and resection done in mastoidectomy operations?

Mastoidectomy operation is performed using drill or micromotor systems. No bone cutters or rasps are used. During the operation, microdrill bits (such as tungsten, diamond, hardmetal) are used that rotate and remove the bone. Sterile serum is sprayed into the surgical field regularly during the procedure so that the facial nerve is not damaged by heat damage. Many systems spray themselves automatically. Again, in order to reduce the possibility of facial nerve damage, micromotor system probes that only shape the bone and do not cause damage to the soft tissue can be used.

Link group where you can read articles about mastoidectomy operation published on this website >>

Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon - ENT Doctor in Istanbul

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