Natural Rhinoplasty in Istanbul, Turkey

Natural Looking Nose Aesthetic Surgery

What is The Rhinoplasty?

nose job,Natural rhinoplasty in Istanbul,Natural looking nasal aesthetic surgery,nose reshaping,
Rhinoplasty (Nose Aesthetic or Nose Reshaping or Nose Job) is a complex surgical procedure that can change the facial expression. Every face is different and every nose should be different. In the past, there were similar noses on the faces of people who undergo rhinoplasty.

Why Do You Need Rhinoplasty?

The nose is the most noticeable part of facial beauty because it is in the middle and in front of our face. In our everyday life, our social relations are the part that our opponent first noticed before. Hence, the smoothness of our nose and our adaptation or shape disturbances, and the inconsistency with our general contours, are the first focus of the people. The first impression we give is an important part of our image. We do not determine our position in society and our prestige in the form of our nose. Our personality, our savings, our communication skills are even more important. Nevertheless, it is an undeniable fact that the determination of the visual perception that emerges especially in today's world and the priority of appearance. The distorted shape that is noticeable on the side can cause the lack of confidence in the person. When a person looks at the same face, the face can move away from the whole body and focus only on the nose. Sometimes it is only possible to avoid gazing at the shape due to deformity in the nose, thinking that everyone looks at the nose in the environment, may be reluctant to take photographs. One of the most important issues that should not be forgotten here is that the main function of my nose is to breathe. It is often seen that the deformity is accompanied by complaints of nasal obstruction. Especially in curved noses it is difficult, often impossible, to straighten out the nose only without correcting the nose.

In the video above, you can find the images before and after the micromotor assisted natural rhinoplasty operation.

Natural-looking rhinoplasty, also known as a natural rhinoplasty or conservative rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of the nose while maintaining a result that looks harmonious and in balance with the patient's overall facial features. The goal is to achieve subtle changes that improve the nose's aesthetic while preserving its natural characteristics and avoiding an overdone or artificial appearance.

Here are some key considerations and techniques involved in natural-looking rhinoplasty:

1. Preservation of Natural Features: Natural rhinoplasty emphasizes preserving the patient's unique nasal characteristics. Rather than completely altering the nose's shape, the surgeon focuses on refining and enhancing its existing features to achieve a more balanced and proportionate appearance. This approach aims to create a result that looks like an improved version of the patient's original nose.

2. Individualized Approach: Every patient's facial structure and nasal anatomy are unique. A natural-looking rhinoplasty takes into account these individual characteristics and considers how changes to the nose will complement the rest of the face. The surgeon works closely with the patient to understand their desired outcome and ensures that the proposed changes align with their overall facial aesthetics.

3. Subtle Changes: Natural rhinoplasty aims for subtle changes that blend seamlessly with the patient's natural features. Instead of drastic modifications, small adjustments are made to refine the nose's shape, size, or proportions. This approach helps avoid an exaggerated or unnatural appearance.

4. Functional Considerations: In addition to enhancing the nose's appearance, a natural-looking rhinoplasty also takes into account the nose's functionality. The surgeon ensures that any changes made to the nasal structure do not compromise proper breathing or obstruct the nasal airway.

5. Open Communication: Effective communication between the patient and the surgeon is essential in achieving a natural-looking result. The patient should clearly express their goals, concerns, and expectations, while the surgeon provides expert guidance and realistic assessments of what can be achieved through the procedure. Open and honest communication helps establish a shared understanding and ensures that both parties are aligned regarding the desired outcome.

6. Skill and Experience: Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon with expertise in rhinoplasty is crucial for achieving a natural-looking result. Surgeons with a deep understanding of facial aesthetics and nasal anatomy can employ precise techniques to create subtle changes that appear seamless and natural. Their surgical skills and attention to detail contribute to achieving the desired outcome while minimizing the risk of complications.

Natural-looking rhinoplasty strives to enhance the nose in a way that maintains its individuality and fits harmoniously with the patient's overall facial features. By focusing on preserving natural characteristics, making subtle adjustments, considering individual factors, and ensuring open communication, patients can achieve a result that enhances their appearance while maintaining a natural look. It is important to consult with a qualified surgeon to discuss the specific goals and expectations of the procedure.

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Nowadays, main purpose of nose aesthetic procedures is to reveal natural looking nose which compatible with the facial structure. Many person don't like a pointy, extreme upturned (as plastic) nose which can easily noticed as "operated unnatural shaped nose".  

Your Nose May Look A Little Upturned and Concealed For The First Few Months After Rhinoplasty Operation!

In thick-skinned noses, the nose may appear slightly upturned immediately after the operation, due to skin edema at the tip of the nose and downward orientation at the tip of the nose in the first few months. As a very good example of this, Comparison of 1st and 5th Months After Nose Aesthetic Operation link. The nose of the patient shared in this link may look like an upturned and short nose just after the surgery, but in the image after 5 months, it can be noticed that the supratip area is edematous and the nose looks more natural. You need to have some patience.

Natural Rhinoplasty Techniques

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To achieve a natural nose need the following:

- Facial structure should be evaluated and should be set to the size of the nose (such as a sharp nose tip will not fit in a lady who have a round face ).
- Excessive tissue resection should be avoided
- Using of artificial materials (silicone, teflon, gor-tex etc ...) should be avoided
- Excessive cartilage forming (made ​​with nonabsorbable suture cartilage forming and excessive use of cartilage grafts) should be avoided

If nasal anatomy is changed as excessively, turn back may become impossible. Minimally traumatic techniques and respect to the anatomy are the most important factors to achieve natural looking nose.

Natural rhinoplasty techniques are surgical approaches used to achieve a result that enhances the appearance of the nose while maintaining a natural and harmonious look. These techniques focus on refining the existing nasal features rather than dramatically altering the nose's shape or structure. Here are some commonly employed natural rhinoplasty techniques:

1. Preservation of Structural Integrity: Natural rhinoplasty techniques prioritize preserving the structural integrity of the nose. The surgeon aims to maintain the underlying nasal framework as much as possible to prevent excessive manipulation or weakening of the nasal structures. This approach helps preserve the nose's natural support and stability.

2. Tip Refinement: The nasal tip plays a significant role in the overall appearance of the nose. Natural rhinoplasty techniques aim to refine the tip by reshaping and contouring it without making it appear overly narrow or pointed. The surgeon may use suturing techniques to reshape the cartilage, remove excess tissue, or make precise adjustments to achieve a more refined and balanced tip.

3. Cartilage Grafting: In cases where additional support or augmentation is needed, cartilage grafting techniques can be employed. Natural rhinoplasty may involve using the patient's own cartilage, typically harvested from the septum or ear, to add structure and support to specific areas of the nose. This helps maintain the natural strength and shape of the nose while addressing any aesthetic concerns.

Natural Male Rhinoplasty

4. Dorsal Hump Reduction: If there is a dorsal hump, or a prominent bump on the bridge of the nose, natural rhinoplasty techniques focus on smoothing and reducing it. The surgeon carefully reshapes the nasal bridge to create a more harmonious contour that blends seamlessly with the rest of the nose.

5. Preservation of Nasal Airway: Natural rhinoplasty techniques prioritize maintaining or improving the nasal airway function. The surgeon ensures that any modifications made to the nasal structures do not compromise the ability to breathe properly through the nose. This may involve addressing any underlying breathing issues, such as a deviated septum, during the rhinoplasty procedure.

6. Soft Tissue Management: Proper management of the soft tissues surrounding the nose is crucial for achieving a natural result. Natural rhinoplasty techniques involve precisely adjusting and redistributing the skin and soft tissues to match the refined nasal contours. This helps avoid any unnatural tension or pulling of the skin, resulting in a more natural appearance.

7. Individualized Approach: Each patient has unique nasal characteristics and facial features. Natural rhinoplasty techniques take into account the individual's specific aesthetic goals and anatomical considerations. The surgeon tailors the surgical plan to ensure that the changes made to the nose complement the patient's facial features and maintain their unique identity.

It's important to note that the specific techniques used in natural rhinoplasty can vary depending on the patient's unique situation and the surgeon's expertise. Consulting with a skilled and experienced surgeon who specializes in natural-looking rhinoplasty is crucial to determine the most appropriate techniques for achieving the desired outcome while maintaining a natural and balanced appearance.

Natural Rhinoplasty For Men

We plan natural nose aesthetic operations that are compatible with the face shape, look natural, and are planned specifically for each individual, for both women and men.

How is a natural rhinoplasty that is compatible with the face (esthetic nose surgery that is not easily understood) performed?

It is ideal for physicians who perform natural rhinoplasty operations to limit the number of daily operations as much as possible and to concentrate on the nose operation of the operated patient during the operation. In nose operations that are personal or not easily understood, changes in the shape of the nose can be planned according to the patient's face and nose ratios. For example, in a patient with a wide facial structure and wide eye structure, care should be taken not to reduce the nasal bridge too much and to avoid a flattened nasal bone. Thin and long face structure, In a patient with a large eye, the accompaniment of a thinned nasal bone with a slightly wide nasal tip may be important for a proportional rhinoplasty. It cannot be expected that a physician who performs rhinoplasty operations more than 5-7 times a day, using campaign and marketing techniques on the Internet, will have sufficient concentration to obtain a natural nose. Therefore, it is appropriate for the physician not to perform more than 2 daily rhinoplasty operations.

Why Is It Difficult To Get A Natural Looking Nose?

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Cartilage, bone and soft tissue structures are sets the shape of the nose. All structures of the nose can be changed with nasal cosmetic procedures. Before the making of changes, facial structure and facial rates should be evaluated very carefully. Every person's facial structure is different from the other. Sometimes thin and long shaped nose, sometimes round and short shaped nose is perfect for patients. Eye length, distance between the eyes, lips distance should be considered as many different rates.

In this way, the natural rhinoplasty is not a simple and standard process.

The photo above is a good example of a natural rhinoplasty operation. Only positive and limited changes were made in the shape of the patient's nose.

Achieving a natural-looking nose through rhinoplasty can be challenging due to several factors:

1. Individual Variations: Every individual has unique facial features and nasal anatomy. Achieving a natural-looking result requires considering these individual variations and ensuring that any changes made to the nose are in harmony with the rest of the face. What may look natural on one person may not necessarily look natural on another.

2. Healing and Scar Tissue Formation: The healing process after rhinoplasty can affect the final outcome. As the nose heals, scar tissue forms and can influence the appearance of the nose. The formation of scar tissue is unpredictable, and its effects on the final result can vary from person to person. Surgeons strive to minimize scar tissue formation, but its presence can sometimes affect the natural appearance of the nose.

3. Skin Thickness and Texture: The thickness and texture of the skin covering the nose can significantly impact the final result of rhinoplasty. Thick or oily skin can hide or mask the underlying changes made during surgery, making it challenging to achieve precise definition and contours. On the other hand, thin or delicate skin can make even minor modifications more noticeable.

4. Healing and Edema: Following rhinoplasty, the nose undergoes a healing process that involves swelling and edema. This can temporarily affect the appearance of the nose and make it challenging to evaluate the final outcome immediately after surgery. It may take several months for the swelling to completely subside and for the nose to settle into its final, natural appearance.

5. Surgeon's Skill and Experience: The expertise and skill of the surgeon performing the rhinoplasty play a crucial role in achieving a natural-looking result. Rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that requires precise surgical techniques and a deep understanding of facial aesthetics. Surgeons with extensive experience in rhinoplasty are better equipped to handle the challenges and nuances involved in creating a natural-looking nose.

6. Patient's Expectations: Patient expectations and their perception of what constitutes a "natural" nose can also influence the outcome. Communication between the patient and the surgeon is essential to ensure a shared understanding of the desired results. Managing expectations and having realistic goals is important to achieve satisfaction with the final outcome.

Despite these challenges, it is still possible to achieve a natural-looking nose through rhinoplasty. By choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon, thoroughly discussing goals and expectations, and understanding the limitations of the procedure, patients can increase the likelihood of achieving a result that appears harmonious, balanced, and in line with their unique facial features.

Unnatural - Out of Proportion Nose Aesthetics Request!

Unnatural - Out of Proportion Nose Aesthetics Request!
Sometimes, unnatural features such as artificial, excessively raised, pointed, excessively thin or excessively curved may appear as a patient's wish. A patient's "self-designed or self-described nose shape request" may be rejected by many physicians. While the biggest difficulty for us here can be calculated according to face proportions; In what quantity and in what proportion will the unnatural features desired by the patient be? In this case, continuous revision surgery and recurrent surgical trauma may become inevitable unless the patient likes it. In my professional life, there have been patients that I refused surgery and avoided making an appointment for surgery. The biggest factor here is; interpretation of the surgical procedure as a simple simulation study, the patient's request for procedures that are incompatible with his own facial proportions, and psychiatric problems such as body dysmorphic disorder. While patients should want a more beautiful and more functional nose; Demanding an upturned or small nose outside of the standards may indicate that the satisfaction may be low after the surgery. How much lifted up nose? How small a nose? If the answer to these questions is in the patient, it is almost impossible to please the patient by performing the surgery by a physician. Indeed, sometimes in request messages from patients, what is the meaning of "a little" in a sentence such as "if I give money, I want it to be understood that a little is done", and to what extent can it be pretentious? In other words, it is the most innocent and correct practice to inform patients about repetitive surgeries and to refuse the surgery in noses that are tried to be made according to special requests, apart from the rates written in aesthetic books. A patient who had nose surgery 7 times came to me for examination because necrosis appeared on the tip of the nose. In the face of this serious problem that emerged after the surgeries performed in different clinics, the question I would like to ask in order to investigate a little is "Why did you want the 7th operation after the previous 6 operations?" was the question. The patient said, "I thought that a more beautiful and more aesthetic nose would emerge every time!" replied as; The resulting "decrease in tissue blood supply and tissue loss due to necrosis" showed that the result may be different from the expectation in repetitive surgical procedures and that the surgical procedure is never an animation study. It is ideal to perform the procedures with the smallest possible surgical trauma and the least risk.

Micromotor Assisted Natural Rhinoplasty

Below you can find the before and after images of the patient we performed micromotor assisted natural rhinoplasty operation. With the use of a micromotor, the nasal ridge can be reduced more smoothly.

Advantages of Micromotor or Micro Drill System 

In this system, it is aimed to shape the nasal bone and cartilage with the help of a probe that rotates and shapes the echemic and cartilage tissue in the form of sandpaper. It has an effect on cartilage compared to the ultrasonic device and is ideal for a smooth bridge reduction. It is possible to smooth these areas with the help of a micromotor, especially in noses with thin skin features and where asymmetrical recesses and protrusions under the skin can be easily noticed. It is a system that shapes only by turning without skin trauma. During the procedure, when cold serum is sprayed on the probe, heat damage is negligible. When used correctly, very smooth and natural nose shapes can be obtained, as in the patient whose images you see below. One thing I would like to emphasize here is that smoothing the bone and cartilage tissue in the nasal bridge area does not indicate that this area will remain permanently smooth, healing tissue may appear in the areas where surgical trauma is applied, and bone and cartilage healing tissues may reappear while the healing is completed. The use of old rasp tools here may increase the amount of surgical trauma.

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Natural Rhinoplasty Operation is Special to You!

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Because each person's skin structure, cartilage structure, facial bones are different in size and proportions, natural nasal aesthetic operation must be planned for the patient.
Unlike in the past, when many noses like plastic are considered "aesthetic" or "beautiful" as if they were from a single mold, many patients now prefer to have their nose-like shape suited to their face. For patients with a realistic approach, the procedure should be terminated with the smallest possible surgical trauma. Aesthetic nose surgeries performed according to the face proportions of the person, instead of a single molded shape, can be defined as "natural rhinoplasty". Positive effects such as having a one percent perception of beauty, looking younger and having a more sympathetic smile can be noted in patients after a few months.

Patients from many countries come to Istanbul for a nasal aesthetic surgery. I usually prefer to perform rhinoplasty operations once a day, rarely twice a day.

Natural rhinoplasty in women with thick skinned video

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Natural nose reshaping,Natural nose job,Natural rhinoplasty in Istanbul,Natural looking rhinoplasty,Natural rhinoplasty in Turkey,Natural rhinoplasty techniques,Natural nose job in Istanbul,

In the photos and videos above, there are nasal images before and immediately after the natural rhinoplasty performed on a patient with thick skin features. A limited amount of change was made in the nose volume, the nose bridge was reduced as little as possible. Care was taken to ensure that the nose tip of the patient with a large eye structure was not pointed and thin.

Natural Rhinoplasty in Men Istanbul, Turkey

Natural Rhinoplasty in Men Istanbul, Turkey

Natural Rhinoplasty in Men Istanbul, Turkey

In the photos above, you can see the images before and after the natural revision rhinoplasty operation performed on a patient who had a previous rhinoplasty operation. A limited amount of change is intended for the patient. In the patient, who has a thin, elongated face and large eyes, an attempt was made to obtain a nose shape with a slightly wide tip and a slightly thin nose.

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In the photos above, there are visuals before and after the natural rhinoplasty performed on the patient with thick skin structure. The nose bridge has been slightly reduced and the nose tip slightly lifted. The patient, who has prominent cheekbones and wide eyes, did not have a curved nose and an overreducted bridge.

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Before and 2 months after nose aesthetic operation - natural rhinoplasty - nose job istanbul

Natural Rhinoplasty, Natural Nose Job, Natural Nose Aesthetic Surgery, Natural Looking Nose Operation

Natural Rhinoplasty, Natural Nose Job, Natural Nose Aesthetic Surgery, Natural Looking Nose Operation

Natural Rhinoplasty, Natural Nose Job, Natural Nose Aesthetic Surgery, Natural Looking Nose Operation

Natural Rhinoplasty, Natural Nose Job, Natural Nose Aesthetic Surgery, Natural Looking Nose Operation

Natural Rhinoplasty, Natural Nose Job, Natural Nose Aesthetic Surgery, Natural Looking Nose Operation

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Link group where you can find detailed information about rhinoplasty on this website >>

Source links:

  • Rhinoplasty - American Academy of Facial Plastic and ...

  • Grafting in revision rhinoplasty

  • New trends in rhinoplasty

  • Trends in Functional Rhinoplasty

  • Book Review: Rhinoplasty

  • Advancing the Art of Rhinoplasty
    Natural looking rhinoplasty - Natural nose job - Natural rhinoplasty - Natural structure rhinoplasty - Natural nose rhinoplasty - Rhinoplasty in istanbul - Rhinoplasty in Turkey - Nose job in istanbul - Rhinoplasty istanbul - Rhinoplasty Turkey -  Nasal aesthetic surgery in İstanbul - Nose aesthetic surgery in Turkey - Nose job İstanbul - Nose job Turkey - Nose reshaping in İstanbul - Nose correction surgery in İstanbul

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