Rhinoplasty Recovery Guide 👃 - 8 - Medications and Products to Avoid Before and After Rhinoplasty

Drugs to Avoid Before and After Rhinoplasty

At least 1 week before rhinoplasty use of blood thinners should be terminated!

Medications to avoid before rhinoplasty - Durgs to avoid before rhinoplasty Medications to avoid before and after nose job - List of drugs to avoid before the rhinoplasty - Nose job recovery guide - Rhinoplasty recovery guide - Guide to rhinoplasty - Guide to nose job - A personal guide to rhinoplasty
Aspirin, the most commonly used blood thinner, can last for 7-10 days; At least 7 days before the operation, the use of aspirin and blepharopaedias should be discontinued. Similarly, in female patients during menstruation periods, hemorrhagic coagulation may be affected and surgery should be postponed.

List of drugs to avoid before the rhinoplasty

Before nasal surgery, the use of medicines and products that can interfere with bleeding clotting, interact with anesthetic drugs or affect wound healing should be avoided. 

Omega 3 fish oils, ginseng, garlic, flaxseed, ginger, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba and many other drugs and herbal products can be included in this list. It is appropriate to discontinue use of aspirin, blood thinners, fish oil, supplements containing homeopathic substances, ginkgo biloba, and drugs containing vitamin E before the rhinoplasty operation. Apart from this, it is appropriate not to use small amounts of painkillers such as ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, meloxicam, diclofenac sodium, which may have blood thinning properties, right before the surgery. It is ideal not to use nasal cortisone sprays, nasal decongestants and oral decongestants, and flu medications (such as nurofen cold) before surgery, which can dry out the nasal mucosa and cause negative changes in the mucosa. Herbal tablets containing garlic or ginger should not be used before and after rhinoplasty.

Be careful in the first 10 days after the operation for nose bleeding!

Medications to avoid before rhinoplasty - Durgs to avoid before rhinoplasty Medications to avoid before and after nose job - List of drugs to avoid before the rhinoplasty - Nose job recovery guide - Rhinoplasty recovery guide - Guide to rhinoplasty - Guide to nose job - A personal guide to rhinoplastyInternal silicone splints, usually made only of silicon, are placed in the two-sided nasal cavity when performing nasal surgery, nasal surgery, and gang surgery during nasal surgery. It is different from the classic hurts and bumpers that stop the bleeding; silicone splints prevent adhesions in the nose and keep the septum in the form of a mold on both sides. Cicons splints are ineffective in the nosebleed. That is, if the post-operative careless lifting, trauma, or a hot shower occurs, a nose bleed can occur. In such a case, it may be appropriate to rest in a dark and cool room with head elevation, and cold application to the cheeks, lips. If the bleeding does not stop anyway, you may need blood pressure monitoring and removal of silicone splints, if necessary, to use the beautiful (!) Classic nasal tampons that we are afraid of.

Internal Silicone Splints Do Not Reduce Nose Bleeding Much, So Be Careful About Medications and Exercise!

While classical intranasal tampons (such as merocell nasal packing) provide pressure and contact in the nose to stop bleeding areas; Internal nasal silicone splints cannot prevent serious bleeding inside the nose. They only press on the nasal septum to prevent septal hematoma and prevent the turbinate from swelling and coming into contact with the septum. Since there is no serious intranasal contact, no mucosal damage or nasal hair breakage occurs when they are removed from the nose, and they are very comfortable products for the patient. My purpose in explaining this is that while the products that are so comfortable and allow the patient to breathe are in your nose, it would be best to stay away from the drugs and herbal drinks I have listed above, alcohol, hot foods, spicy products, and avoid lifting heavy loads and strenuous exercise, which may cause unnecessary nose bleeding.

Once, 8 days after the surgery, my patient bent over and lifted her son, who weighed 14 kilos, and severe nosebleeds began. The patient had seen severe nosebleeds, which she had almost never seen after the surgery, when she lifted his son into the air. We had to re-insert an intranasal tampon into this patient.

Dr.Murat Enoz Talks About "Drugs and Products to Avoid Before and After Rhinoplasty"

The information in this guide was prepared by Dr.Murat Enöz for patients who underwent rhinoplasty. 
You can find different opinions and suggestions from other clinics and doctors. Please take into consideration 
the recommendations of the doctors who performed your aesthetic nose surgery. Sometimes drug names given here 
only in Turkey may also belong to the drugs found. Plenty of luck :)
Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon - ENT Doctor in Istanbul

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