Waiting For You During The Second Week
Changes for you in the 2nd week after rhinoplasty
Since the external nasal splint and each internal silicone splint were removed in the second week after the nasal surgery, you will have a much more comfortable time than the first week!
I suggest that they usually go on a half-hour daily walk in the cool air, sick in the second week, late in the evening, use sterile ocean water spray and intranasal moisturizers in the nose. Continue to apply antibiotics pomat to the stitch section at the nose end. This week oral antibiotics and pain relievers will be appropriate.
Don't worry, the color changes on our face will gradually disappear within 2 weeks after rhinoplasty surgery. If you pay attention to our doctor's recommendations and take into account the necessary care-related precautions, your face will generally look very close to natural by the end of this week. It is very important to be careful about smoking after rhinoplasty surgery. "May I start smoking in the 2nd week?" We have patients ask us questions, but it is ideal not to smoke after rhinoplasty for at least 2 months.
Can normal shower be taken after second week?
At some centers you will find articles on how to get into the nose after the second week without the municipal water and shampoo - soap products! In the second week, intranasal mucosal healing has not been completed yet. In this period, fountain water and bacteria and other microorganisms accumulating in the skin and hair part of the body can enter the nose and cause infection. This week is also suitable for someone else to wash your hair and to wash your body by throwing your head backwards. Ideally, after the 3rd week, showering starts without protecting the nose from water.
Is sleeping position still important in the second week?
Our patients with nasal aesthetic operation, we have been advising them to sleeping as above the head and the upper part of the body will be angled position (half upright sitting position) for the first 3 weeks . In the second week, if there is a serious decrease of facial edema, the sleeping position can be reduced. During the deep sleep, sleeping on the back by putting pillows on both sides may prevent a pulse coming right or left over the nose. In the second week, because there was no nasal atria; it must be forgotten to sleep in a flat horizontal position on the face!
After 3 nd week "C-shaped" passenger pillows can be used for sleeping to prevent nasal trauma.
Heavy sports and tilting the ground to lift the weight still must be avoided in the second week!
After the rhinoplasty operation, rhythmic walking, running can be done in the 2nd week. All exercises and gymnastics movements, which cause sudden increases in blood pressure, and heavy-lifting-related sports, should be avoided. Be a little more patient!
Dr.Murat Enoz Talks About "Waiting For You At The 2nd Week"
The information in this guide was prepared by Dr.Murat Enöz for patients who underwent rhinoplasty.
You can find different opinions and suggestions from other clinics and doctors. Please take into consideration
the recommendations of the doctors who performed your aesthetic nose surgery. Sometimes drug names given here
only in Turkey may also belong to the drugs found. Plenty of luck :)
Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon - ENT Doctor in Istanbul
Private Office:
Address: İncirli Cad. No:41, Kat:4 (Dilek Patisserie Building), Postal code: 34147, Bakırköy - İstanbul
Appointment Phone: +90 212 561 00 52
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