Ideal Sleeping Position After Nose Tip Plasty and Rhinoplasty
How to sleep after nose surgery?
In order to reduce the blood pressure in the head area after the nose operations and to keep the patient from risk of trauma to the nose by turning sideways during deep sleep, it is best to prefer half-upright position (45 degree angle). The fact that the upper part of our body is half-upright with respect to the lower part of the body, reduces the risk of side rotation of the body. "How to make a bed in our house in a half-up position?" In response to the question, "a quilt on our backs, blanket and a few pillows in the back of the head can be placed in this way angled as" can be answered. Sometimes our patients put pillows on the sides of the bed.Optimal resting position after nose tip surgery
After the nose tip surgery, the higher the head part, the lower the blood pressure, sitting in the house upright is more convenient than lying in half-up position. The risk of swelling, bruising and nasal bleeding may be increased in the early postoperative period, as blood pressure will increase if the patient is hospitalized in horizontal hospitalization.After aesthetic nose surgery is not appropriate to lie on the side!
In the early postoperative period after nose surgery, it may cause curvature of the nasal bone and nasal strain due to compression. For the patients who underwent planned bone fractures (osteotomy) to the nasal bone, it is the right practice to stay in the half-upright position for the first 3 weeks and then to avoid side-lying for a few weeks by reducing the angle.Recommendations for sleep position following rhinoplasty vary from surgeon to surgeon and depend on a plurality of variables. In the vast majority of patients abroad, it is advisable to sleep in a chair with a head raised at least one week following the operation (a similar form of advice: raise your head with a few pillows or sit in the chair for 30 ç45 degrees for the first few nights after surgery!). This approach prevents inadvertent trauma to operative swelling and nose. Unfortunately, patients may not be aware of the pressure that they apply to their nose when they sleep sideways. This pressure has the potential to displace the nasal bones and damage the surgical outcome. It is important to understand that each patient's condition is unique.
The advantages of sleeping in a half-upright position:
• reduction of blood pressure in the head area
• reduction of facial and nasal edema
• nose bleeding and nasal congestion reduction
Some patients feel discomfort when they have been sitting for a long time on the back and half-up position. It may be appropriate to buy an inflatable travel pad to hold your head on the midline.
These recommendations may vary depending on the operations and clinics performed. Patients who were allowed to lie on the side after 2 weeks were able to move over the nose and face to bed position during periods of deepening sleep. "I pay attention in sleep ..." means a sense of "sleeping". For this reason, it is appropriate that patients who undergo nasal bone fracture should not lie longer on the side and face.
To lie on the side after nose tip plasty operation
Patients who do not undergo any operation on the nasal bone are not required to take a long time to look at half upright and lying on their back as much as the patients who have undergone classical nose surgery.Usually I advise my patients to go to bed at the semi-upright position for the first 3 weeks after the nose tip surgery.
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Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon - ENT Doctor in Istanbul
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