Rhinoplasty Recovery Guide 👃 - 45 - When Stitches Are Taken Out From Columella After Rhinoplasty?
When to Get Stitches From Nose Tip After The Open Technique Rhinoplasty Operation?
When columella stitches are removed after open technique nose job?
Open technique nose surgery operations, the 5-point W Incisions or Inverted-V Incision is made on columella. This incision area can be sutured with different aesthetic suture materials when the operation is terminated.
Absorbable stitches at the columella dissolve so they do not need to be removed!
I would like to share some important information about this issue. After practicing almost all open technique rhinoplasty operations, I prefer to sew the stitches of my collar with "Dissolvable stitches" that can dissolve in the body and reduce the possibility of scar by applying less stretching force. When permanent stitche materials were used, the scar in the nose-type stitche could have a "scallop" scar. Dissolvable stitches on the nose tip usually disappears 1-3 weeks. I recommend that antibiotic skin ointment be applied to the suture area to improve the wound healing rate and reduce the risk of infection in the suture area. Dissolvable stitching materials can become less loose within a few days, and may leave fewer marks in areas where stitches are thrown.
I want to share some of scientific sources and results on the below >>
- "Suturing of columellar incisions with rapid resorbable sutures caused significantly less discomfort but no difference in scarring compared to non-resorbable sutures" source >> Rapid Resorbable Sutures Are a Favourable Alternative to Non-resorbable Sutures in Closing Transcolumellar Incision in Rhinoplasty
- "Rapidly absorbable skin sutures have been found to be of use in numerous settings including for the closure of the columellar incision following open rhinoplasty" source >> Advocating the Use of Absorbable Sutures for Columellar Incisions Following Open Rhinoplasty
The rhinoplasty operation is a personalized operation, and the doctor you are examining is the right one. The suture materials used in rhinoplasty operations may vary according to different physicians and clinics.
Permanent stitches at the columella can be taken out after 1 to 3 weeks
Permanent (non-absorbable) suture materials (you can see generally their color as blue) are usually removed after 1 to 3 weeks . If I do not bother my patients, I prefer to take it in 3 weeks.
The information in this guide was prepared by Dr.Murat Enöz for patients who underwent rhinoplasty.
You can find different opinions and suggestions from other clinics and doctors. Please take into consideration
the recommendations of the doctors who performed your aesthetic nose surgery. Sometimes drug names given here
only in Turkey may also belong to the drugs found. Plenty of luck :)
Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon - ENT Doctor in Istanbul
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