Tongue Tie Release Surgery Surgery With Scissor Before and After
Tongue ties operation can be performed in office conditions or in the hospital for adult patients. In the above video, an adult patient with type 2 anterior tongue tie is seen in the midline of the tongue at the pre-procedure tongue and there is a view of the tongue after the removal of the triangle shaped tongue tie tissue (lingual frenectomy) with the scissors under the local anesthesia. After the procedure, there is a swollen appearance at the the tongue tip on the effect of the local anesthetic and the purple thread in the late turn.
After the togue tie surgery in adult patients
After the tongue tie surgery, it is generally recommended that adult patients should exercise a tongue tie for a few months and avoid excessive hot, spicy, acidic and salty foods during the first week. Since the patient in the above video was complaining of sharpening and distortion when speaking the words that started with a particularly strong consonant letter, these sutures were discarded to prolong the tongue tip in the vertical plane and to prevent re-adhesion in the horizontal plane.
Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon - ENT Doctor in Istanbul
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