Sinus Rinse - Using Details

Important Details on Using Sinus Rinse

What is Sinus Rinse?

Sinus Rinse,nasal irrigation system, high volume nasal washing, nasal cleaning
Sinus Rinse
is a nasal irrigation system which has been used mostly for nasal cavity washing and has become more and more frequently used. There is a plastic soft bottle, a round tip made in the nostril and a powder containing a certain number of salt-carbonate mixtures in the box.

Which Water Should Be Used For Sinus Rinse?

Manufacturers recommend the use of drinkable natural spring water. The germ concentrations of the spring water produced in our country and waiting in stationary state may be higher than the chlorinated fountain water. For this reason, I recommend more boiled and chilled water to my patients, but especially tap water or sterile distilled water from a pharmacy.

How to Prepare a Sinus Rinse?

The salt-carbonate mixture sachets in the sine rinse box are poured into the plastic bottle and then shaken by adding water to the line of 240 ml. If the salt carbonate packs are over, roughly 1 cup of water with 1 teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of carbonate can be prepared by pouring 200 ml of water and this water can be poured into the bottle.

How to Use a Sinus Rinse

After preparing the sinus rinse, the head leans slightly forward in the sink and opens the shoulder to the distance with the leg. The head is turned slightly towards the applied nostril side and the mouth opens. In this way, the gravity force of the water in the bottle flowing and a light force on the half of the bottle is applied. The other remaining water in the bottle while the other nostrils are made by turning the head towards the other side.

Sinus Rinse Video

Why You Should Open Your Mouth When Using Sinus Rinse?

If the water entering through a nostril cannot be directed to the opposite nostril when using the sinus rinse (if there is meat growth, cartilage skew, crust or secretion in that area ...), it can be directed through the eustachian tube to the ear below and the eardrum may be damaged. Therefore, the mouth must be opened when using the Sinus Rinse. When using Sine Rinse, the purpose is to enter water into the squeezed side and wash that part, it is not necessary for the water to come out of the opposite nostril.

How to Clean the Sinus Rinse Bottle?

After application with sinus Rinse, it was shown that various bacteria and single-celled calves can grow on the wall of the bottle in a humid and closed environment. For this reason, the use of chilled water by boiling, shaking the bottle with hot detergent water after each application and shaking again only with hot water after being placed in a place where the mouth of the bottle open in the sun will minimize the growth of microbes.

How Much Does a Sinus Rinse Bottle Be Used?

In fact, there is not enough study on the subject, but despite the above mentioned measures, the formation of a biofilm layer is inevitable. It is not recommended to use the bottle for more than 1 month.

Can One Sinus Rinse Bottle Be Used By Different People At The Same Time?

Sinus rinse into the nose of the bottle into the nose, the bacteria in the nose adheres. It is emphasized that these bacteria can remain in spite of washing with detergent and hot water over time. It should not be forgotten that a person who has upper respiratory tract infection or sinusitis inside the home can be infected by the contact of the other person in the nose. Each Sinus Rinse bottle should only be used by one person.

In Which Cases of Using of  Sinus Rinse Is Inconvenient?

Sinus Rinse,nasal irrigation system, high volume nasal washing, nasal cleaning
Sinus Rinse should not be used in the early period after ear surgery, during active middle ear inflammation and after nasal surgeries without consulting the doctor.

Problems Due to the Use of Sinus Rinse?

Perforation of the tympanic membrane may occur due to the use of sinus rinse. It is usually due to improper use and the procedure is terminated as soon as ear pain occurs. In USA, cases of meningitis and brain inflammation (after boiling water used after boiling water) have been reported after use of Sinus rinse-like intranasal wash systems (from the following sources, which belong to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC). I suggest you read). No such case has been reported in our country.

Can Sinus Rinse Be Used Safely in Children?

The ability to perform the procedure requires compliance of the patient. However, especially in children under 2 years of age, nasal washings cannot be tolerated easily, and in this period allergy, nasal growth, middle ear inflammation are likely in children. Although there are no definitive limits for definitive use, it is not appropriate to use Sinus Rinse in young children. I recommend using Sinus Rinse especially for patients aged 6 years and older (from the following sources).

I suggest you read the one that belongs to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) >> Is Rinsing Your Sinuses Safe? -

Other sources >>
Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon - ENT Doctor in Istanbul

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