An Unusual Case Of "Foreign Body in The Left Infeior Turbinate: Metal Needle"

Metal Needle Inside Left Inferior Turbinate

Metal Needle Inside Left Inferior Turbinate

Above are the tomography sections of a patient who had undergone intranasal cauterization with needle-like metal objects inserted into the inferior turbinate. In the left lower nose, a foreign body that is compatible with a shining metal needle is seen. The needle is broken during the process and a large piece of needle is seen in the turbinate.

35 years old patients was adimitted my clinic with compliants of nasal blockage instead of previous several radiofrequency turbinate reduction procedures. On the paranasal sinus tomography, incidentally metal needle is seen in the left inferior turbinate. Endoscopic foreign body removal fom inferoior turbinate is planned. On the endoscopic there is no any abnormal finding except from turbinate hypertrophia.

Various methods are used for the treatment of hypertrophic turbinate. Radiofrequency applications are performed in order to decrease the volume of turninates. When done with instruments that measure tissue resistance, the risk of abnormal tissue loss and empty nose syndrome is reduced. You can see details at >> Turbinate Hypertrophy - Definition, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Metal Needle,Foreign Body in The Left Infeior Turbinate,

Metal Needle,Foreign Body in The Left Infeior Turbinate,

Metal Needle,Foreign Body in The Left Infeior Turbinate,

Metal Needle,Foreign Body in The Left Infeior Turbinate,

Metal Needle,Foreign Body in The Left Infeior Turbinate,

Metal Needle,Foreign Body in The Left Infeior Turbinate,

Metal Needle,Foreign Body in The Left Infeior Turbinate,

Metal Needle,Foreign Body in The Left Infeior Turbinate,

Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon - ENT Doctor in Istanbul

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