Probiotics in Allergy Prevention For Children
Use of Probiotics Can Reduce Allergy Attacks in Children! / Image source: |
There is a bacterial community in the intestine that plays an important role in the development of the immune system and provides an important line of defense against bacteria and toxins entering the body. In fact, more than 70% of the immune system lives in the intestine.
Research has shown that children with allergies have common aspects of intestinal health. First, they have lower levels of useful bacteria, secondly, they have higher levels compared to some of the more pathogenic strains, and finally, a healthy natural bacterial flora has low strain diversity. Other studies have shown that children with allergies later differ in composition and diversity of intestinal microbiota during the first months of life compared to those who do not.
Allergies and Hygiene Hypothesis
There are many theories about why there is an increase in allergy rates in children. One of these theories is the hygiene hypothesis. The hygiene hypothesis actually argues that we are too clean for our own good. The prevalence of disinfectant products has reduced the risk of infectious diseases, but they can also contribute to the further dying of beneficial bacteria in our bodies. Further cleansing argues that the human immune system cannot function adequately in defense and may become more vulnerable to pathogenic microorganisms over time.Many studies on the pathogenesis of allergy in both human and experimental animals continue to show the importance of commensal bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract in stimulating and guiding the immune system.
Several studies, including a large cohort study of infants born in Sweden, have demonstrated a strong association between caesarean delivery and allergic disorders and asthma risk in children. During the journey through the birth canal, the baby receives a large number of beneficial bacteria from the mother, so babies brought to the world by caesarean section are deprived of bacteria acquired in the birth canal (note that many hospitals are now taking steps). The only thing common to all these theories is that there is a relationship between bacterial diversity and number of bacteria in the gut and allergies.
Another different information is that most Canadian children's diets are now unsuitable for a healthy and diverse microbiome (the trillions of microorganisms in our bodies). According to research, Canadian children and young people do not eat enough fruits and vegetables (especially vegetables) and about 40% of the fruits and vegetables consumed come from two main sources: juice and white potatoes. Children do not meet daily recommendations for fiber necessary to feed a healthy microbioma and promote healthy bowel function. Children (and even adults) often do not look for other healthy probiotic sources, such as fermented foods. Yogurt is the most consumed probiotic food in a child's diet. For children without dairy intolerance, yogurt is a great option.
Prevalence of Allergic Disease in Children is Increasing!
The prevalence of allergic diseases in children has increased significantly over the last few decades. According to several studies published in Finland, the overall prevalence of allergic symptoms in childhood increased 8-fold from 1950 to 1995. In 1950, 5% of children had some kind of allergic symptom, while recent studies reported a prevalence of 40%. Similarly, there has been an increase in all developed hygienic countries.Beneficial Effects of Prebiotics and Probiotics in Allergy
Knowing what we know about allergies, immune and intestinal health, addressing allergies in children should focus on developing a healthy and diverse microbiome that is rich in nutrients. Colorful nutrition, in addition to special nutritional support suitable for children's digestive health.In pharmacies, children of advanced intestinal health probiotics are available with chewable, water-miscible or drinkable products containing several billion CFUs of different balanced strains specifically selected to form and support the microbiome of a child. is a probiotic. In fact, fermented natural products, vegetables are the healthiest and most natural probiotics.
Various environmental factors encountered in infancy in Central European farms have led to a decrease in the prevalence and sensitivity of allergic diseases in children.
Vaginal Birth, Breast Milk, Natural Environment Reduces Allergy Frequency!
Stimulation of the giant and active commensal bacterial flora in the intestine in early life is important in guiding the development and tolerance of regulatory T cells. The actions of T cells are probably mediated by the innate immune system. The sterile intestine of the newborn is gradually colonized by environmental bacteria. Vaginally born babies obtain the microbiota, which has the strongest relationship with the mother's colon. Delays colonization by Caesarean section, Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli and Bacteroides. Subsequently, the diet affects the initial colonization. Promotes the growth and activity of human milk oligosaccharides, Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli; this colonizes more abundantly than breast milk formulas. In unhygienic environments, the diversity and rate of rotation of the common intestinal flora is high. Such conditions for reducing the risk of allergies ensure constant exposure to a wide range of bacteria in drinking water and soil and continuously stimulate the immune system.Changing the intestinal microbiota can be useful in the treatment of allergy!
Changing an individual's intestinal microbiota is a potential treatment for the prevention of allergic symptoms as well as the development of allergies. Probiotic bacteria are "live microorganisms that are administered in sufficient amounts to provide health benefits to the host" [22]. They are a heterogeneous group of bacteria with specific biological activities. Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria and Streptococci strains are most commonly selected from human microbiota or dairy initiators. Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria and Propionibacteria belong to the lactic acid bacteria group.The use of synbiotics in the treatment of allergies!
Probiotics may directly affect the host's immune system or alter the host's microbiota; and thus can prevent or cure allergies. Prebiotics are non-digestible substances that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and / or activity of a limited number of bacterial strains located in the intestine; This can affect allergies. The term synbiotic can be used for a combination of these pre and probiotics, and combination preparations have been used in the treatment and prevention of allergic diseases.To cultivate a healthy intestinal flora, you can control it with a combination of natural vegetable fiber foods, fermented foods and probiotics for your children.
Studies using probiotics to treat and prevent allergy seem to be promising, albeit with highly variable results. Obviously, the main variable between studies was the use of different bacterial strains.
In attempts to prevent allergy in high-risk infants, the results show that the intervention should be initiated before birth to ensure that the mother's birth canal is colonized by probiotics. It is a clear question as to whether both babies and the mother should continue probiotics after birth, since direct administration of probiotics to infants has proven to cause colonization.
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Source links >> Probiotics in the Treatment and Prevention of Allergies in Children / The Connection Between Allergies & Probiotics in Children / Prebiotics in infants for prevention of allergy / Prebiotics and probiotics for prevention of allergic disease
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