Dix Hallpike Maneuver: Evaluation of Balance Stones (Ear Rocks / Small Crystals / Otoconia)) in Inner Ear
Gold Standard Test For Diagnosis of Posterior Canal Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

Posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Guidelines on BPPV from AAO-HNS (American Academy of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery) state that posterior canal BPPV diagnosis was made with a history of episodic positional vertigo and a characteristic nystagmus finding revealed by Dix-Hallpike test. The use of the Dix-Hallpike test as a diagnostic maneuver for posterior canal BPPV was described in 1952.38 The patient was moved to a supine position with the head tilted 45 degrees and the neck extended with the tested ear extended down. . It should be done on both sides, especially if the first test is negative.

Dix Hallpike Maneuver Indications

Contraindications For Dix Hallpike Maneuver
In a patient with neck pathology, Dix-Hallpike maneuver should be avoided where the movements may be dangerous for the patient. Cervical instability, vertebrobasilar insufficiency and vascular problems such as carotid sinus syncope, acute neck trauma and cervical disc prolapse are absolute contraindications. In patients without absolute contraindications, it may be appropriate to briefly evaluate neck rotation and extension before attempting maneuver to see if these positions can be maintained comfortably for thirty seconds.Why is Dix Hallpike Maneuver Necessary?
A bed or stretcher is required in which the patient can hang his head backwards; But some equipment can help if you have. Frenzel goggles can be useful for magnifying the movements of the eyes. A mat table can be useful to lift shoulders and keep the patient close to the ground and thus safer. Video ENG devices can be used by advanced practitioners to better monitor eye movements during this maneuver.Dix Hallpike Maneuver Technique
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Dix Hallpike Maneuver |
Tips on The Dix-Hallpike Maneuver and The Epley Maneuver
During the test, the head should be turned 45 degrees, if the head is turned 90 degrees, dizziness and nystagmus may occur on both sides and may mislead the physician.
۞ For test positivity, nystagmus in the eyes is necessary, not the dizziness expressed by the patient.
If nystagmus, which has typical features on the side where the head is tilted, is observed in the Dix Hallpike test, the maneuver can be turned to the Epley Maneuver (the maneuver to seat the crystals) by turning the head to the opposite side without sitting the patient.
Geotropic rotatory nystagmus is observed in classical posterior canal BPPV. The upper pole of the eyes turns towards the affected ear.
۞ Completely horizontal nystagmus shows horizontal canal involvement.
۞ Persistent (not tiring) nystagmus may indicate cananalolitiasis rather than cupulolitiasis.
۞ The nystagmus in the eyes should be e
Dix Hallpike Maneuver Complications
Nausea and vomiting are common during this maneuver; this can potentially be avoided by giving an antiemetic before testing.Clinical Importance of Dix Hallpike Maneuver
Dix-Hallpike maneuver is the gold standard for the diagnosis of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, so it is difficult to assess the sensitivity and specificity as acute. Exclusion of Hazardous etiology of vertigo, the clinician requires excellent history and physical examination skills should be the primary concern. After this etiology rejected, while the differential benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo Dix-Hallpike maneuver can diagnose the problem. This is the position of the otolith continues to be manipulated until the rear channels, which ended with vertigo sensation changes and improves the position of the Epley maneuver easily passed the disease process. Although a high relapse rate and this not always effective, it is highly desirable to alleviate the symptoms of our patients in this way and that patients are given instructions on how to do it at home for relapse.
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