Upper Respiratory Tract, Dilator Muscle Exercises For Snoring, Sleep Apnea and Insulin Resistance
Especially by opening the arms during walking, taking air from the nose and working the upper respiratory tract expanding muscles, it can provide maximum effect in reducing the severity of the disease. In this way, walking will also be beneficial in preventing varicose veins in the leg and cleaning the lung end airways, as it will also enable the calf pump to work. The benefit of walking with small, slow steps with breathing in the mouth will be quite limited.
A graduated walking program for cardiovascular diseases and sleep apnea is very useful!
In a scientific study published by Antonio Jurado-Garcia et al, it was emphasized that a graduated walking program was beneficial in reducing the number of apnea-hypoopnea indexes in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). In other words, it was emphasized that regular exercise in the form of "cardio" may be beneficial in reducing the collapse of the upper respiratory tract at the nape of sleep and in reducing the severity of hypoxic attacks. Related study link >> Effect of a Graduated Walking Program on the Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. A Randomized Clinical Trial - PubMed (nih.gov)
Walking is also protective for metabolic syndrome!
In a scientific study published by Tsung-Lin Chiang et al, they found that the combination of walking workouts and a daily step goal (a strategy of 12,000 steps per day) was more beneficial in improving body composition and metabolic syndrome than just setting a daily step goal. In addition, they highlighted that this strategy may also include a potential mitigating effect on cardiovascular disease risk factors. In other words, regular and rhythm walking has beneficial effects not only on the musculoskeletal system but also in many areas of our body. Related article link >> Is the goal of 12,000 steps per day sufficient for improving body composition and metabolic syndrome? The necessity of combining exercise intensity: a randomized controlled trial - PubMed (nih.gov)
In elderly patients with essential hypertension, brisk walking for 12 weeks may be instrumental in reducing blood pressure and reducing the risk of acute cardiovascular events!
In a scientific study published by L I O et al, it was emphasized that brisk walking is beneficial in reducing blood pressure and reducing the risk of acute ischemic cardiovascular events in the elderly and patients with mild hypertension. Regular and brisk walking is very beneficial for elderly patients, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, mental health and gastrointestinal system health. Related article link >> Effects of 12-week brisk walking training on exercise blood pressure in elderly patients with essential hypertension: a pilot study: Clinical and Experimental Hypertension: Vol 40, No 7 (tandfonline.com)
Regular walking can also reduce the rate of biological aging!
An article published by Larry A Tucker found that adults who walked 150 minutes per week had longer telomeres than those who walked regularly, according to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Accordingly, it was emphasized that regular walking can be beneficial in reducing the rate of biological aging. Related article link >> Walking and biologic ageing: Evidence based on NHANES telomere data: Journal of Sports Sciences: Vol 38, No 9 (tandfonline.com)
Maybe I can write down many health benefits that will not end with counting. Please do not stay at home all the time, especially during this period of pandemic and curfews. Don't forget to walk in rhythm and order as much as possible!
Healthy step walking, freestyle swimming and running are the most effective exercises for sleep apnea!
Breathing through your nose and exhaling through your mouth while walking with a wide step distance with your arms open increases the dilator muscle activity in the mouth area and is a very healthy type of exercise. It would not be correct to say that it is very effective in sleep apnea with very small steps and without breathing through the nose. As written in the information above, you can use walking with a healthy - rhythmic - correct breathing technique as a treatment tool in obstructive sleep apnea. In patients, even if weight is not lost; It can reduce the collapse of the areas where the airway narrows in the neck region, during deep sleep. Regular running and freestyle swimming as well; the increase in dilator muscle activity in the neck region may reduce the airway obstruction during sleep of the patients. Here is a very important piece of information we tell our patients: "Patients who do not exercise regularly and whose body metabolism is not at a suitable level for active sports should not exercise for a long time and strenuously, which may suddenly cause extreme fatigue and stress, and that they should gradually increase their walking. It is appropriate to plan exercise under the control of a sports specialist and a physician".
Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon - ENT Doctor in Istanbul
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