Tongue Tie Surgery With Adenoidectomy Operation - Two Simple Operations That Have a Positive Effect on the Development of Jaw and Facial Bones in Children
Adenoid hypertrophy, which causes long-term open mouth sleep and nasal congestion, can negatively affect mouth and face development in the long term, just like tongue tie. You can think of it as two unrelated situations, but I would like to simply add the following information.
Correct Tongue Resting Position is Very Important in Babies During The Sleep
"In babies, during sleep, the tongue lies on the roof of the mouth, on the side, in contact with the upper palate. In other words, the tongue acts as an expander, a repulsive muscle organ that shapes the face and jaw bones. When the tongue is attached to the roof of the mouth, mouth breathing becomes very difficult. You can try it yourself.. Put your tongue in contact with your upper palate and try to breathe through your mouth, isn't it a little difficult ... When there is an anatomical structure such as a tongue tie that prevents the tongue of babies from being lifted up in the mouth, or when babies have adenoid hypertrophy that makes them completely dependent on mouth breathing, Unfortunately, it can become very difficult for the tongue to perform these tasks.In addition, when breathing with the mouth open for a long time, with chronic pressure on the muscles in the anterior region of the jaw, there should normally be a "U-shaped palate" in the upper palate, while a "V-shaped palate", "Deep and narrow upper jaw" structure", increase in the distance between the upper and lower teeth, irregularity in the teeth, a little bit of the lower jaw problems such as staying in the ride may arise". In patients with speech (articulation) and nutrition problems, tongue tie and adenoid hypertrophy, performing these two simple operations in the shortest time can prevent the negative effects of teeth - jaw - facial bones, which may occur in time and where much larger operations or interventions may be required. . Generally, patients may think of these two simple conditions as "health problems that can improve over time". If the tongue tie restriction indexes are high, if the patients have tongue deformities such as bifurcation, notching, heart shape, prominent tongue edges, short and thick tongue, it is necessary to see a physician as soon as possible and the patient's treatment should be planned. Again, in the endoscopic examination, if there is adenoid tissue covering the choanae in the back of the nasal cavity, the patient should be informed that the large adenoid is a health problem that may negatively affect the development of the face and jaw, just like the tongue tie.
There is a video about normal growth of jaw and facial bones
This video is showing that abnormal growth of jaw and facial bones because of mouth breathing
I want to say thanks to these video supplier of "Myobrace channel".
While adenoid hypertrophy and tongue tie that I shared with you in this article are a simple and treatable health problem; I wanted to emphasize the complications that they may cause in the long term.
How can you tell if your child has adenoid hypertrophy?
In children with adenoid hypertrophy, complaints such as nasal congestion and sleeping with an open mouth appear in the first district. If your child's adenoid tissue is larger than normal and covers the choana, which are the openings at the back of the nasal cavity, almost or completely, permanent nasal congestion, sleeping with the mouth open, deterioration in sleep quality, snoring, decrease in concentration, decrease in sleep quality, recurrent symptoms such as sinusitis and ear infections and throat infections may occur. In children with adenoid hypertrophy, patients usually complete their breathing by opening their mouths because the air taken from the nose is difficult to pass. Some patients may have complaints such as very serious respiratory distress and severe nasal congestion after a simple viral upper respiratory tract infection, and ear infections that do not improve with medical treatment. The most important point to note here is that the patient does not have any upper respiratory tract infection; that is, whether there is a complaint of continuous nasal congestion and sleep with the mouth open without fever, runny nose symptoms, body malaise or any allergic nasal discharge symptoms. If your child has a constant complaint of nasal congestion, turns on the TV more than normal, has decreased perception at school, has snoring and breathing problems during sleep, it is appropriate to be examined by an otolaryngologist. It should not be forgotten that when there is chronic open mouth breathing, which I shared with you above, negative structural changes may occur in the face and jaw bones in a long time. Adenoidectomy is a simple surgical procedure that can be performed in a few minutes and usually has a short recovery time. In addition, if the jaw and facial bones are adversely affected, treatment may take years and very complicated procedures may be required. In other words, a few minutes of surgery can prevent the need for years of treatment. Tongue tie surgery and adenoid surgery are very simple surgical procedures that can be performed in a short time and do not cause serious problems after the procedure.
How is adenoid hypertrophy diagnosed?

If your child has adenoid hypertrophy and tongue tie, how can it be treated?
If your child has been diagnosed with adenoid hypertrophy and tongue tie; and if deemed appropriate by the surgeon in terms of surgery, both procedures can be performed simultaneously under general anesthesia. Normally, the patient's complaints and problems that may arise due to adenoid hypertrophy are evaluated when surgical procedure is required in terms of adenoid hypertrophy. If your child has severe nasal congestion, recurrent middle ear infections or middle ear fluid, recurrent throat infections and sinusitis attacks due to adenoid hypertrophy, which does not improve with medical treatment, adenoidectomy operation may be decided by the otolaryngologist following the patient. In addition, in some patients, the operation of inserting a ventilation tube into the eardrum can be performed together for the treatment of the disease in the middle ear. If your child has tongue-tie at the same time, tongue movement defects, structural effects on the tongue that may occur due to tongue-tie can be evaluated by the physician and, if necessary, tongue-tie release operation can be performed at the same time.
Articles published on this website about adenoid hypertrophy >> Adenoid Hypertrophy
Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon
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