Thick Skinned Crooked Female Nose Job - Before and 1 Year After Surgery

Female Rhinoplasty For Asymmetrical and Wide Nose

Crooked Female Nose Job, Rhinoplasty For Crooked Noses, Female Rhinoplasty, Deviated Nose Aesthetic, Rhinoplasty in Women

We performed open technique micromotor assisted rhinoplasty operation on our female patient with crooked, thick skin and asymmetric nose features. Below you can find the images of the patient before the operation and 1 year after the rhinoplasty.

Due to the patient's slanting eye structure, prominent cheekbones, and wide facial structure, the nose bridge was reduced as little as possible (otherwise, a flat Asian nose shape could occur).

Asian nose aesthetic techniques were used more than patients with thick skin structure. The procedures performed on the patient can be summarized as follows:

- bilevel skin dissection and underskin tissue removal
- left spreader graft application
- bilateral osteotomies and median osteotomy
- limited nose bridge reduction with microdrilling system
- columellar cartilage graft with tongue in groove technique
- caudal septoplasty

Crooked Female Nose Job, Rhinoplasty For Crooked Noses, Female Rhinoplasty, Deviated Nose Aesthetic, Rhinoplasty in Women

Crooked Female Nose Job, Rhinoplasty For Crooked Noses, Female Rhinoplasty, Deviated Nose Aesthetic, Rhinoplasty in Women

Crooked Female Nose Job, Rhinoplasty For Crooked Noses, Female Rhinoplasty, Deviated Nose Aesthetic, Rhinoplasty in Women

Crooked Female Nose Job, Rhinoplasty For Crooked Noses, Female Rhinoplasty, Deviated Nose Aesthetic, Rhinoplasty in Women

Crooked Female Nose Job, Rhinoplasty For Crooked Noses, Female Rhinoplasty, Deviated Nose Aesthetic, Rhinoplasty in Women

About the crooked and wide nose

A crooked or wide nose is a variation in the shape and size of the nose that can affect the overall facial appearance of an individual. While the perception of beauty varies across cultures and individuals, some people may feel self-conscious about the appearance of their crooked or wide nose and seek ways to address it.

A crooked nose is characterized by a deviation or bend in the nasal structure. This can occur due to various factors, such as genetic predisposition, trauma, or natural development. The deviation can be minor, resulting in a subtle asymmetry, or more pronounced, causing a noticeable shift in the alignment of the nose. The crookedness may affect the bridge of the nose, the nasal tip, or both.

On the other hand, a wide nose refers to a nose that has broader nasal bones or wider nostrils compared to the average nose width. This can be a result of genetic factors, ethnic background, or simply an individual's unique facial structure. A wide nose can give the face a distinctive look, and while some people embrace it as a part of their identity, others may desire to modify its appearance.

For individuals who are unhappy with the appearance of a crooked or wide nose, there are various options available. Cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery, can be considered. Rhinoplasty can address both the aesthetic and functional aspects of the nose, helping to improve its appearance and correct any breathing difficulties caused by structural issues.

During rhinoplasty, the surgeon may utilize techniques to straighten a crooked nose or reduce its deviation. This can involve manipulating and repositioning the nasal bones and cartilage to create a more symmetrical and balanced appearance. For a wide nose, the surgeon can perform procedures to refine the nasal shape, such as narrowing the nasal bones or reducing the width of the nostrils, while maintaining harmony with the rest of the facial features.

It's important to note that any surgical procedure carries potential risks and should be thoroughly discussed with a qualified surgeon. They can evaluate the individual's unique situation, discuss their goals and expectations, and provide guidance on the most appropriate course of action.

For those who prefer non-surgical alternatives, there are also options available to enhance the appearance of a crooked or wide nose. Makeup techniques, such as contouring with cosmetics, can create the illusion of a straighter or narrower nose. However, these methods are temporary and provide only a temporary solution.

Ultimately, whether an individual chooses to embrace their crooked or wide nose or seek cosmetic intervention is a personal decision. Beauty comes in various forms, and what matters most is an individual's self-confidence and comfort with their own appearance. It's essential to celebrate diversity and recognize that our unique facial features contribute to our individuality and overall beauty.

Crooked and wide nose aesthetic

A crooked or wide nose can possess a unique aesthetic appeal and contribute to an individual's overall attractiveness. In fact, many people find beauty in the distinctiveness and character that a crooked or wide nose can bring to a person's face. While societal standards of beauty have often emphasized certain facial features, there is an increasing recognition and appreciation for diversity and individuality in recent times.

A crooked nose, with its subtle or pronounced deviation from the straight alignment, can add an element of intrigue to a person's facial appearance. It can create a sense of asymmetry that breaks away from conventional notions of facial symmetry and can be perceived as attractive and captivating. The crookedness of the nose can add depth and character, giving a face a unique and memorable quality.

Similarly, a wide nose possesses its own aesthetic charm. Many cultures throughout history have admired and celebrated wider noses, recognizing them as symbols of beauty and strength. A wide nose can contribute to a strong and distinctive facial profile, enhancing the overall attractiveness of an individual. It can give a sense of boldness and confidence to a person's appearance.

It is important to remember that beauty is subjective, and different people have different preferences. While some individuals may appreciate the aesthetics of a crooked or wide nose, others may not. Ultimately, what matters most is self-acceptance and embracing one's unique features. Confidence and self-assurance play a significant role in how a person is perceived, and learning to appreciate and celebrate one's individuality can be empowering.

In recent years, there has been a growing movement towards body positivity and embracing diverse beauty standards. People are increasingly challenging traditional notions of beauty and advocating for inclusivity and acceptance of all types of appearances. This shift in perspective encourages individuals to recognize and celebrate the beauty in features that may deviate from societal norms.

It's worth noting that cosmetic procedures, such as rhinoplasty, can be an option for those who wish to alter the appearance of a crooked or wide nose. However, it is important to approach any such decision with careful consideration and consultation with a qualified professional. The decision to pursue cosmetic changes should be driven by personal choice and not by external pressures or societal expectations.

Ultimately, the aesthetic appeal of a crooked or wide nose lies in the eye of the beholder. What matters most is self-acceptance, confidence, and the celebration of individual beauty in all its diverse forms.

Healing after crooked and wide nose aesthetic

After undergoing a cosmetic procedure to address a crooked or wide nose, the healing process is an essential phase in achieving the desired aesthetic outcome. Healing times can vary from person to person, and it's important to follow post-operative care instructions provided by the surgeon to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.

In the immediate aftermath of the procedure, it is common to experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort around the nose and facial area. This is a natural response of the body to the surgical intervention and will gradually subside over time. The surgeon may prescribe pain medications or recommend cold compresses to help manage any discomfort and reduce swelling.

During the initial days or weeks following the procedure, it's important to take care of the surgical site to promote healing. This typically involves keeping the area clean and avoiding any excessive pressure or trauma to the nose. The surgeon may provide specific instructions regarding wound care, such as how to clean the incision sites and when to remove any dressings or splints.

In some cases, the surgeon may place a splint or cast on the nose to support the newly reshaped structure and protect it during the healing process. This splint or cast is typically removed after a week or two, depending on the individual's healing progress. It is important to follow the surgeon's guidance on when and how to remove the splint to ensure optimal healing.

Over the following weeks and months, the swelling will gradually subside, allowing the final results to become more apparent. It's important to note that the complete healing process can take several months or even up to a year, as the nasal tissues and structures continue to settle into their new shape. Patience is crucial during this time, as the final results may not be immediately evident.

During the healing period, it is essential to avoid any strenuous activities or behaviors that could potentially impact the surgical site. This may include avoiding intense physical exercise, wearing glasses that rest on the nose, or engaging in activities that could cause accidental trauma to the area. Following the surgeon's guidelines and restrictions will help ensure a smooth healing process and minimize the risk of complications.

Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are typically scheduled to monitor the healing progress and address any concerns or questions that may arise. It's important to attend these appointments and communicate openly with the surgeon about any issues or discomfort experienced during the healing phase.

It's worth noting that every individual's healing process is unique, and the timeline and specifics of recovery can vary. It is crucial to rely on the guidance and expertise of the surgeon who performed the procedure, as they are best equipped to provide personalized advice based on the individual's specific case.

In conclusion, the healing process after undergoing a cosmetic procedure for a crooked or wide nose is a crucial stage in achieving the desired aesthetic outcome. Following the surgeon's instructions, practicing proper wound care, and being patient during the recovery period will help ensure a successful outcome and promote optimal healing.

Rhinoplasty cost for crooked and wide nose in Istanbul

The cost of rhinoplasty for a crooked or wide nose in Istanbul, Turkey, can vary depending on several factors, including the specific clinic, the surgeon's experience, the complexity of the procedure, and the individual's unique case. While I can provide a general idea of the costs involved, it's important to note that these figures are subject to change and it's always best to consult with specific clinics or surgeons for accurate pricing information.

Turkey, and specifically Istanbul, is known for its renowned medical tourism industry, attracting patients from around the world seeking high-quality cosmetic procedures at a more affordable cost compared to many other countries. Rhinoplasty is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgeries in Istanbul, and the city boasts numerous clinics and skilled surgeons specializing in the procedure.

The cost of rhinoplasty in Istanbul typically includes several components, such as the surgeon's fee, anesthesia fees, pre-operative tests, medications, and post-operative care. Additionally, factors like the reputation and location of the clinic, the surgeon's expertise and experience, and the complexity of the procedure can influence the overall cost.

On average, the cost of rhinoplasty in Istanbul for a crooked or wide nose can range from approximately $3,500 to $5,500 USD. However, it's important to note that this is a general estimate and prices can vary significantly based on individual circumstances.

It's recommended to research and consult with multiple clinics or surgeons to get a comprehensive understanding of the services offered, the surgeon's credentials, and the associated costs. During these consultations, the surgeon will evaluate the specific case, discuss the desired outcomes, and provide an accurate cost estimate based on the individual's needs.

It's also essential to consider additional expenses such as travel costs, accommodation, and any pre- or post-operative care that may be required. Many clinics in Istanbul offer packages that include assistance with travel arrangements and accommodation to facilitate a seamless experience for international patients.

When considering rhinoplasty in Istanbul or any other location, it's crucial to prioritize the surgeon's qualifications, experience, and reputation, rather than solely focusing on cost. Quality and safety should always be the primary concerns when undergoing any medical procedure.

In summary, the cost of rhinoplasty for a crooked or wide nose in Istanbul can vary depending on several factors. It's advisable to consult with reputable clinics or surgeons to obtain accurate pricing information and to ensure the best possible outcomes while prioritizing quality and safety.

Crooked nose and caudal septum deviation

Our patient had a caudal septum deviation and a crooked nose deformity secondary to nasal trauma in childhood. As an otolaryngologist, we intervened for both problems at the same time and performed open technique septorhinoplasty. During the operation, caudal septoplasty was also performed.

A crooked nose often occurs due to a deviation in the nasal structure, and one common cause of this deviation is a caudal septum deviation. The septum is the structure that separates the two nasal passages, and when it deviates or is misaligned, it can contribute to the crooked appearance of the nose.

A caudal septum deviation specifically refers to a deviation in the lower part of the septum, near the nostrils. This type of deviation can result from various factors, including genetics, trauma, or natural development. The deviation can cause the nose to appear asymmetrical, with one nostril appearing larger or more prominent than the other.

A crooked nose with a caudal septum deviation can have both aesthetic and functional implications. Aesthetically, the asymmetry can be noticeable and may affect an individual's self-confidence. Functionally, it can lead to breathing difficulties, as the deviation can obstruct the airflow through one or both nostrils.

In cases where the caudal septum deviation is causing significant aesthetic or functional concerns, individuals may choose to undergo a surgical procedure called septoplasty or septorhinoplasty. These procedures aim to correct the deviation and realign the nasal structures to improve both the appearance and function of the nose.

During septoplasty or septorhinoplasty, the surgeon will make incisions within the nostrils to access the septum. The deviated portion of the septum will be carefully reshaped or repositioned to create a more symmetrical and straight appearance. The procedure may also involve addressing other cosmetic concerns, such as refining the nasal tip or reducing the width of the nose, depending on the individual's goals.

After the surgery, the healing process is essential for achieving optimal results. The recovery period can vary, but generally, individuals can expect some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort for the first few weeks. Nasal congestion and breathing difficulties may persist temporarily as the nasal tissues adjust and heal.

Following the surgeon's post-operative instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery. This may include keeping the nose clean, avoiding strenuous activities, and taking prescribed medications as directed. It's also important to attend follow-up appointments to monitor the healing progress and address any concerns or questions that may arise.

While surgery is often an effective option for correcting a crooked nose with a caudal septum deviation, it's important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon or otolaryngologist to determine the most suitable treatment plan based on individual needs and goals. They will evaluate the nasal anatomy, discuss the desired outcomes, and recommend the appropriate surgical approach to achieve the desired aesthetic and functional improvements.

Caudal septoplasty operation

Caudal septoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to address a specific type of nasal septum deviation known as caudal septum deviation. The nasal septum is the structure that divides the two nasal passages, and when it deviates or is misaligned in the lower part, near the nostrils, it can cause functional and aesthetic issues.

A caudal septum deviation can lead to nasal obstruction, difficulty breathing through one or both nostrils, snoring, and other related problems. Additionally, it can contribute to the asymmetrical appearance of the nose, causing a crooked or unbalanced look.

Caudal septoplasty aims to correct the deviation in the lower portion of the septum to improve both the function and appearance of the nose. During the procedure, the surgeon makes incisions within the nostrils to gain access to the septum. The deviated portion of the septum is then carefully reshaped or repositioned to restore proper alignment and symmetry.

The specific techniques used during caudal septoplasty may vary depending on the individual case and surgeon's preference. In some instances, the surgeon may remove a small portion of the septum or use sutures and grafts to support and stabilize the corrected septum.

One advantage of caudal septoplasty is that it can often be performed as a standalone procedure, without the need for a more extensive rhinoplasty. However, in some cases, it may be combined with other nasal surgeries to address additional cosmetic concerns, such as refining the nasal tip or reducing the width of the nose.

After caudal septoplasty, a period of recovery is necessary for optimal healing. Swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in the nasal area are common during the initial stages of recovery. Nasal congestion and breathing difficulties may persist temporarily as the nasal tissues adjust and heal.

It's crucial to follow the surgeon's post-operative instructions carefully. This may include keeping the nose clean, avoiding strenuous activities, and taking prescribed medications to manage pain and reduce the risk of infection. The surgeon will provide specific guidelines regarding the use of saline rinses, nasal splints, and any other necessary post-operative care.

During the recovery period, it's important to attend follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor healing progress and address any concerns or questions. The surgeon will provide guidance on gradually resuming normal activities and will assess the long-term outcomes of the procedure.

Caudal septoplasty is generally considered a safe and effective procedure with a high success rate in improving both nasal function and aesthetics. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, including bleeding, infection, scarring, or changes in the shape or appearance of the nose. It's essential to consult with a qualified otolaryngologist to discuss individual concerns, expectations, and the potential risks associated with caudal septoplasty.

Overall, caudal septoplasty is a specialized surgical technique that offers an effective solution for individuals with a caudal septum deviation. By addressing the underlying structural issue, it can significantly improve nasal function and contribute to a more balanced and symmetrical appearance of the nose.

On this website, you can click the link group to read my previous articles about crooked nose aesthetic >>

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Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon

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Address: İncirli Cad. No:41, Kat:4 (Dilek Patisserie Building), Postal code: 34147, Bakırköy - İstanbul
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