Natural Nose Tip Aesthetics
A downwardly directed or drooping nasal tip can lead to various aesthetic and functional problems. Face appearance become as older and nasal tip can prolapse while laughing. If the upper lip was thin, aged appearance may be more marked. Nasal air flow can reduced. Cartilages, soft tissues, skin and ligaments which forming the tip of the nose should be assessed individually.
Increasing the hardness and changing to nasolabial angle of the tip is sufficient in some patients; while some patients in the shape changes of the tip end is also required.
The tip of the nose is the most important part for the overall nose shape, and the natural tip of the nose is very important for a beautiful smile and a natural facial appearance. When it is aimed to obtain a natural or near-nature tip in patients, different techniques and applications may be preferred according to the patient's facial structure and skin characteristics and nose shape. Generally, I prefer the open technique in operations. The reason for this can be summarized as revealing the anatomical details much better, applying subcutaneous dissection techniques more easily and thinning the skin.
Patient Selection for Nose Tip Plasty
Tip plasty, is done to eliminate aesthetic and functional problems at the nose tip.
In patients with problems outside the region of the tip region (for example, patient who has apparent nasal hump) tipplasty is not enough; complete rhinoplasty surgery in these patients is more suitable.
Tipplasy operation is suitable for patients without aesthetic problems on nasal bone. In patients with curved nose deformity, it is appropriate to perform only nasal tip aesthetics. This is because after the procedure, when viewed from the front, it may cause an increase in asymmetrical appearance. It is appropriate to perform classical complicated rhinoplasty operation in patients with curved, crooked, twisted, scoliotic or deviated nose deformities. Performing a tip plasty operation for trial purposes only, and planning a rhinoplasty operation, if necessary, is an approach that may result in an incorrect and unnecessary surgical procedure. Revision nose surgeries are more difficult and complex than primary nose surgeries. Nasal tip aesthetic surgery can be planned when there are both aesthetic and functional problems such as sagging, collapse, asymmetry, sagging at the tip of the nose and there is no problem in the nasal bone.
Current Concepts in Nasal Tip Plasty
Current nasal tip aesthetic approach is to creation creation of a nasal tip which natural, beautiful and harmonious with the face. There are many different techniques defined.
Minimally invasive, uncomplicated techniques generally preferred by experienced surgeons.
Respectively as defined for tip plasy techniques:
- Suture tipplasty
- Closed technique tipplasty
- Open technique tipplasty
In this technique, many techniques such as various alar cartilage overlapping techniques, dom stitche techniques, VAR technique (Vertical Alar Resection Technique), Tongue in Groove Technique can be applied.
- Tipplasty with filler materials
- Suture suspension techniques
- External strut graft
- Tipplasty with filler materials
- Suture suspension techniques
- External strut graft
Apart from these techniques, various modifications and stitch techniques are also available.
The main goal is to terminate the procedure with the least possible surgical trauma. Generally, it is aimed to obtain a nose that is compatible with the face and can breathe. In general, these techniques can be used by modifying the patients for the treatment of problems such as sagging at the tip of the nose when laughing, the tip of the nose being wide, the tip of the nose being ball-like, the wide nostrils, the collapse of the nasal wings while breathing. When shaping the tip of the nose, cartilage grafts obtained from the nasal septum are used. Different additional techniques can be added according to the characteristics of the nose skin.
Nose skin characteristics are very important in determining the shape of the nose!
Procedures that can be done during tip plasty in thick-skinned noses
In patients with thick skin, the easiest way to tell if the skin is too oily and thick is to measure the thickness of the skin with the index and thumb. In addition, when a closer look is observed, the presence of a large number of comedones also indicates that the nasal tip skin is thick and the subcutaneous tissue contains more adipose tissue than normal. This is usually the case in patients of Asian and African descent. The applications that can be performed during the nasal tip aesthetic operation in these patients can be summarized as follows:
- In patients with very thick nasal skin and oily subcutaneous structure, the tip of the nose may appear more rounded and wider. During nasal tip aesthetics, it is possible to make the skin thinner by resection of the subcutaneous tissue with bilevel skin dissection, but it is possible to make the skin thinner.
- Preventing dead spaces under the skin as much as possible during the operation can prevent unnecessary soft tissue production from the body and a round appearance in that area. Preservation of the cartilage support structure as much as possible and the use of cartilage grafts can reduce the occurrence of unnecessary dead space under the skin.
- Using Isotretinoin capsules (Roaccutane) 2 months before and 1 month after the operation to thin the subcutaneous adipose tissue (this is controversial)
- Salt restriction before and after surgery
- Printed bandage applications after surgery (such as using tape and cast during sleep - post tipplasty taping)
- Cortisone injection into the nasal skin after surgery (link for more detailed information on this website >>
How to Create Natural Nasal Tip?
It is not a simple work that "creating a
natural-appearing nasal tip contour". Nasal tipplasty is always
mort important part of nose esthetic surgery. The achievement of
natural looking nasal tip require assesment of face rates in three
I do not like noses which has too sharp edges and appear overly contrived. As a result of the surgeon's experience and insight perfect result can be obtained. I usually prefer to use cartilage membranes as filler for nose tip.
I do not like noses which has too sharp edges and appear overly contrived. As a result of the surgeon's experience and insight perfect result can be obtained. I usually prefer to use cartilage membranes as filler for nose tip.
Nasal tip aesthetics for patients with sagging nasal tip after septoplasty operation
In patients who have sagging and falling down at the nose tip of after previous nose surgeries, nasal tip aesthetic operation can be planned in order to reshape the nasal tip support cartilage tissue and reshape the tip of the nose. In these patients, if there is not enough cartilage tissue in the nasal septum, it may be necessary to use auricular cartilage, rib cartilage or cadaver cartilage. Especially in patients with traumatic caudal septum deviation (anterior septal dislocation), terminating the procedure by simply resecting the caudal septum may cause severe support cartilage tissue loss at the tip of the nose and may cause drooping at the tip of the nose after the procedure. In these patients, simultaneous resuscitation of cartilages such as columellar strut graft or L strut graft or performing repairing procedures such as re-correction and suturing of the acudal septum may prevent nasal tip drooping after the procedure. You can find before and after images of similar patients in the videos below.
You can read a nice article on the subject :
Nasal Tip Plasty: Delivery Approach Revisited - Chapter 1 - Issues in Aesthetic, Craniofacial, Maxillofacial, Oral, and ... - Page 28
Source links:
You can read a nice article on the subject :
Nasal Tip Plasty: Delivery Approach Revisited - Chapter 1 - Issues in Aesthetic, Craniofacial, Maxillofacial, Oral, and ... - Page 28
Source links:
Related Videos About Nose Tip Plasty and Nose Tip Lifting
20 minutes completed nose tip plasty operation video (Turkish Video)
Rhinoplasty in Women Video:
Nose Tip Plasty (Before and After) Video:
Treatment of Nose Tip Drooping and Nasal Valve Collapse Due to Previous Nasal Surgery and Trauma video:
Nose tip plasty in women video:
Rhinoplasty without breaking bone video:
Nose tip drooping causes and treatment video:
Nose Tip Lifting + Nose Root Filling Without Hump Reduction and Bone Touching video:
"How can nose tip drrooping appear after septoplasty operation ?" video:
Natural Nose Tip Plasty in Women Istanbul video
Simple Nose Tip Surgery Without Nasal Packing video:
Nose Tip Plasty video:
Before and after photos for nose tip plasty
Before and after photos for nose tip plasty in İstanbul, nose tip lifting in istanbul, nasal hump reduction in istanbul >>
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Postoperative Patient Care After Nasal Tip Plasty
If nasal tip plasty operation performed with rhinoplasty operation, "instructions after the rhinoplasty operation" carefully should be applied.
It is normal to see for the following the nasal tip-plasty:
- Light to moderate bleeding from nose
- Swelling on nasal tip areas. The swelling on nasal tip may become worse 2-3 days after the operation, and it will start to decrease after the 4 days. Standing up (walking, sitting, etc) and head elevation at bedtime can help to alleviate the swelling.
Needs to be done after surgery:
- Ocean water sprays, antibiotics, pain medications and ointments containing antibiotics are generally recommended for use.
- If splint and tapes used, they will be removed by doctor generally 7 days after the operation.
- Patients can eat normal diet after the surgery. However, alcohol do not consumed for 1 month after surgery.
- Strenuous exercises, lifting heavy objects and bending head down can cause increase blood pressure on face and should be harmful for at least 1 week.
- Surgical area must stay dry for at least 1 week.
Some Questions and Answers About Nose Tip Plasty Operation
When can you swim after nose tip plasty?
You can swim in clean sea waters 3 weeks after the nose tip aesthetic operation, but it is ideal to wait at least 2-3 months to swim in the pool waters. Microorganisms resistant to antimicrobials can be found in pool waters, and these microorganisms can enter the nose from the incision sites at the tip of the nose and incision areas in the mucosa and cause serious infections.
How long is the total recovery time after nasal tip aesthetics?
In patients with thin skin features, the total recovery time is usually around 6-12 months; In patients with thick and oily skin structure, the total recovery period may extend up to 2 and a half years. Generally, 90-95% recovery is completed in the first 6 months.
Will there be bruising on the face after nasal tip aesthetics?
After nasal tip aesthetics, bruises around the eyes and face are not seen very often. Rarely, blood may leak under the skin and cause bruising around the eyes and even on the cheeks. The probability of bruising is higher in patients who have undergone nasal arch reduction.
Can glasses be worn after nose tip plasty?
After nasal tip aesthetics, light glasses that fit only on the nose belt and do not make any other difference to the tip of the nose can be used after a few weeks.
When can make-up be started after nose tip aesthetics?
After nasal tip aesthetics, powder-based make-up materials that cover the skin or excessively oily products should not be used for at least 2 months.
Can skin cleansers be used after rhinoplasty?
After the 2nd week after nasal tip aesthetics, water-based skin cleansers can be started to be used.
Can the dentist perform operations after nasal tip aesthetics?
As long as there is no asymmetrical pressure or pulling on the tip of the nose after nasal tip aesthetics (such as pulling the one-sided corner of the mouth while placing the mouth retractor), you can go to your dentist for dental procedures from the 2nd month.
When can work be started after rhinoplasty?
Desk jobs can be started from the second week after nasal tip aesthetics. After the first week is completed, since there is edema at the tip of the nose, it is possible to work at desk jobs after the first week, as long as there is no aesthetic problem. However, it is appropriate to start the work that may require lifting the load by bending down after the 3rd week.
When to start exercises after nasal tip aesthetics?
After nasal tip aesthetics, you can start walking from the second day, jogging from the second week, sitting and lifting light loads from the 3rd week, and bending down to the floor from the 6th week. It is appropriate to take a long break from combat sports or ball games that may cause facial trauma and to consult your doctor about this issue.
Link group where you can find detailed information about nose tip plasty on this website >>
Murat Enoz, MD, Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon - ENT Doctor in Istanbul
Private Office:
Address: İncirli Cad. No:41, Kat:4 (Dilek Patisserie Building), Postal code: 34147, Bakırköy - İstanbul
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