Combination Three Different Applications For Rhinoplasty Without Breaking Bone on November 30, 2018 Limited nasal hump removal Nasal root filling with subcutaneous tissue Nasal root filling with underskin tissue Nose tip plasty Rhinoplasty without breaking the bone +
Causes and Treatment of Nasal Obstruction on November 29, 2018 Causes of Nasal Congestion Choanal atresia Nasal polyps Nasal Septum Deviation Nasal valve collapse Nasal valve problems Turbinate hypertrophy +
Closure of Nasal Septum Perforation With Subcutaneous Tissue During Nasal Aesthetic Surgery on November 29, 2018 Nasal Septal Perforation Repair of nasal septal perforation with underskin tissue Septum perforation closure in Istanbul Surgical repair of nasal septal perforation with subcutaneous tissue +